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Striving for Victory: The Future of US and Israeli Goals in the Gaza War

Striving for Victory: The Future of US and Israeli Goals in the Gaza War

Gaza war: US and Israel’s vision for victory

As the conflict in Gaza between Israel and Hamas continues for over seven months, analysts are questioning what victory looks like for both countries. Israel’s stated goal is to achieve an “absolute victory” over Hamas, with unconditional military aid from the US aiding in this pursuit. However, critics argue that Israel’s strategy lacks a long-term vision beyond the use of military force in Gaza.

Some experts believe that the destruction and displacement of the Palestinian population are intentional objectives of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. By perpetuating conflict and deepening Palestinian suffering, Netanyahu hopes to maintain power. Meanwhile, the US government claims to seek an end to the violence, but its unwavering support for Israel is enabling the country’s aggressive tactics.

Palestinian rights advocates fear that the war in Gaza is becoming the status quo, with the possibility of prolonged pain and dispossession for the Palestinian people. Israeli officials have hinted at plans to displace Palestinians from Gaza, while others have suggested “voluntary migration” as an alternative. Reports have also surfaced of Netanyahu exploring ways to reduce the population in Gaza.

Despite opposition from Egypt and international critics, Israel’s offensive in Gaza continues, with the potential for mass displacement looming. Experts warn that Israel’s actions could lead to a containment strategy, restricting the movement and rights of Gaza’s population. The ongoing conflict, combined with US support, creates a sustainable status quo that benefits Israel at the expense of Palestinian suffering.

In the US, President Joe Biden’s administration has outlined a multifaceted approach to the Gaza conflict, supporting Israel’s military goals while seeking a ceasefire and increased humanitarian aid. The US envisions a reformed Palestinian Authority governing Gaza, but obstacles exist in achieving this goal. Israeli leaders reject the idea of a Palestinian state and oppose the return of the PA to Gaza.

As the conflict persists, questions remain about how a permanent resolution can be achieved while pursuing the total defeat of Hamas. US officials acknowledge that a sweeping victory is unlikely, leading to uncertainty about the path forward. With Israel’s military objectives shifting and Hamas remaining resilient, the prospect of a prolonged conflict looms large.

Looking ahead, both US and Israeli officials are considering post-war scenarios, with differing views on the future governance of Gaza. Netanyahu’s desire for Israeli military control clashes with calls for a Palestinian entity to replace Hamas. However, doubts persist about the PA’s ability to assert authority in Gaza, given past conflicts with Hamas and internal divisions among Palestinian factions. As the war continues, the path to victory remains uncertain for both the US and Israel.
#Gaza #war #victory #Israel
Key points:

1. Israel’s objectives in the war on Gaza may include destroying Gaza and displacing its population. Some experts believe that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is willing to wage an endless war to stay in power and deepen Palestinian suffering.

2. The US provides billions of dollars in unconditional military aid to Israel, fueling Israeli plans for the conflict. While Washington says it seeks to end the conflict, it maintains “ironclad” support for Israel.

3. Some Israeli officials have openly called for displacing Palestinians from Gaza or urged their “voluntary migration.” Egypt opposes mass displacement, as it would amount to ethnic cleansing.

4. The US envisions a ceasefire deal, eliminating Hamas’s military capabilities, and establishing diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel to boost a two-state solution. However, Netanyahu opposes a Palestinian state and the return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza.

5. Washington acknowledges that a total defeat of Hamas may be unachievable, and insisting on eradicating Hamas before ending the war is considered a “nonsensical position.”

6. Israel’s shifting positions on Hamas’s location in Gaza and the need for ongoing military operations suggest a prolonged and open-ended conflict. Netanyahu wants indefinite Israeli military control over Gaza, while some Israeli officials suggest a Palestinian entity to replace Hamas’s governance, but doubts remain about the PA’s ability to assert control.

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